Competition rules 2024

1) Adoption of the competition rules
As a participant of the Marathonman 2024 season, the Participant accepts the present Rules of Competition as binding on him/herself and undertakes to comply with them. He/she acknowledges that the participants entered through registration are subject to these rules.

2.) On health status
The Participant declares that he/she will participate in all the races of the Marathonman Series 2024 in good health, at his/her own risk, and at the distance of his/her choice, both physically and mentally fit. The Organiser shall not be liable for any deterioration in his/her health.

3.) Provision on photos, recordings
The Participant acknowledges that he/she may be photographed during the event. The Participant agrees to the taking and use of such photos and recordings. The Participant acknowledges that the photos and recordings taken of him/her may be used by the Organiser for promotional purposes in advertising films and other media. Acknowledges that he/she may be filmed by security cameras (external) on the race course and in the race centre. Consents to the sending of correspondence and messages by the Promoter to the e-mail address and telephone number in the Personal Profile regarding information about the race and other sporting events.

4) On the transfer of nominations
You agree that your entry and your start package are non-transferable.

5) About the registration system and Personal Profile
The current registration system is available HERE and the Participant accepts to be bound by it.

6) About the online entry system
The Participant acknowledges that the Organiser will increase the entry fees in increments as posted on the website, as time progresses. You agree that the entry fee you have chosen will only be valid if you pay it to the Organiser by the indicated deadline or pay it in person. For payment deadlines, the Entrant agrees to the deadlines set by the Promoter as set out in the Competition Rules (for the first and second online price bands, the deadline is the last day of the time band; for the third online price band, the deadline is 3 working days after the entry – but no later than the last day of the online entry deadline) – failure to meet which will result in the Entrant being removed from the entry list by the Promoter.

7.) On the possibility to change T-shirt sizes
The Participant accepts that in competitions where the Organiser provides a T-shirt in the entry form, he/she cannot change the T-shirt sizes provided at the time of entry through the Personal Profile, and the Organiser can guarantee him/her the event T-shirt in the size provided at the time of entry.

  1. ) Cancellation of a paid entry
    The Organiser can accept cancellations of entries up to 30 days (midnight) prior to the event, in writing only, by e-mail to In this case 80% of the amount paid will be refunded by the Organiser. The entry cannot be changed to another event. It is possible to change the chosen distance up to 30 days before the race by paying the difference via e-mail to
    . In the case of the 2024 Extra Discounts, if the final stage of the MM Series takes place after the
    Burger King Ultarbalaton Trail, the Organiser will not be able to accept cancellations of entries after the UB Trail event.

9) About the entry fee and payment deadlines
It is the responsibility of the Participant to meet the deadline for receipt of the entry fee. It is important to note that the date of crediting the Organiser’s account, not the date of transfer, is the date of the deadline. In the event of late payment, payment of the balance is essential for the entry to be valid. In the event of an incorrect payment, the Organiser will notify you by e-mail of the amount of the balance, which must be paid within 8 calendar days. If the balance is not credited to the Organiser’s bank account within the deadline, the entry will be cancelled. Deadlines for payment: last day of the time slot for the first and second online price bands; 3 working days from the date of entry for the third online price band, but no later than the last day of the online entry deadline – if this is not met, the Organiser will remove the entry from the list.

10.) About the start package
To pick up the start packet, you must present an ID card or a power of attorney signed by two witnesses or a confirmation e-mail. The
entrant accepts that, due to the current epidemiological situation, the conditions for the delivery of the start packet must be observed and enforced by the organiser in accordance with the regulations published in the Hungarian Official Gazette.

11) About the starting times, starting zones and distances
a, The starting times for the 2024 events will be published by the Organiser in the Event Information. The Organiser reserves the right to change the start times. Any competitor who misses the start time will be disqualified from the event. The entrant acknowledges that the Organiser may designate either pace or distance start zones prior to the race. In the case of distance start zones, only competitors starting from the same zone at the same time and at the same distance will be allowed to start, for reasons of equal opportunities. Competitors starting from a different zone and time will be excluded from the results list and from the race.
b, The race organiser reserves the right to modify the course and the distances due to the various licence acquisitions.

12) Parking and transport
The Participant accepts and complies with the rules and regulations of the Highway Code concerning parking in the area of the competition centre for his own and his fellow competitors’ benefit. It is the responsibility of the Entrant to familiarise himself/herself with the route of the competition. Traffic controllers, vigilantes and police officers will be on the route to assist the competitors, and the competitors must obey their instructions at all times. Otherwise, the number and chip will be removed. Event car parks are not guarded areas and the Organiser will not be held responsible for any damage caused.

13.) Vis maior
The Participant acknowledges that in the event of force majeure, in particular but not limited to weather conditions, pandemic, natural disaster, strike, blockade or other unforeseen, extreme, unforeseeable and unavoidable cause, the Organiser will reschedule the race (of which he will be officially informed) and the entry fee will not be refunded. The organiser reserves the right to change the venue, the time and the course of the programme. Force majeure shall be deemed to exist if a permit required by the Organiser for the organisation of the race is not received by the deadline or is withdrawn by an authority through no fault of the Organiser. In such a case, the Organiser will set a date for the competition to be held again, if possible, but not necessarily in the same calendar year.

14) In the event of a cancelled event
At the time of the opening of entries, we believe that we will most likely be able to hold the event in 2024 on the original date, or at worst on the make-up date.
The preparation and staging of the Marathonman is the result of a year-long process and work, which the office will continue to undertake even if the event is cancelled for whatever reason. For
us, this means ongoing preparation costs, which are financed from the actual entry fees paid (organisers’ team salaries and allowances, travel costs for the office and the entries, programming tasks and subscriptions, non-cancellable services
ordered from suppliers….stb.). In order to ensure the long-term viability of the competition, we are obliged to put in place the following conditions, which will reimburse 75% of the entry fees in the event of a cancellation, and 25% of the preparation costs, thus making it possible to continue organising the competition.

A Résztvevő tudomásul veszi, hogy amennyiben a versenyt az újonnan kijelölt, pótidőpontban sem sikerül megrendezni, úgy a Szervező bejelenti a verseny törlését, a nevezési díjról kiállított számlát sztornózza és az eredetileg befizetett nevezési díj 75%-át az alábbiak szerint visszafizeti:
I.) a nevezési díj 75%-nak nettó összegét a sztornószámla kiállításakor
II.) while the VAT content is paid within 120 days of the issue of the cancellation invoice. The
reason for this division is that, after the entry fee has been paid, the Organiser is required by law to pay the VAT to the State; it reclaims it
after the issue of the cancellation invoice and can only then refund it to the Entrant.
If the Promoter is in default of the above deadlines, it shall be liable to pay interest on arrears in accordance with Act V of 2013 (Civil Code).

In the event of stormy weather, the Organiser may suspend the competition temporarily or permanently at any time and then restart it. In the case of a suspended competition, no substitute date will be set and no money will be refunded. The Organiser will publish information to competitors during the race on social media – the series Facebook page – and on the event website.

15.) On the authenticity of data
The data submitted by the Participant at the time of application are true and accurate, and the Participant agrees to their storage and use. The Organiser may send newsletters, text information messages and other correspondence about competitions to the address and telephone number provided by the Participant.

16.) On doping
The Participant shall prepare for the competition with clean equipment. He/she shall not use any substances on the WADA doping list in force and shall provide a sample for the controllers after the competition, if requested. Refusal to do so may result in disqualification from the competition and cancellation of results. In the interests of purity of the competition, and in compliance with international doping regulations, the top three finishers in both the men’s and women’s individual competition may be subject to doping tests. In the case of a positive test, the Organiser will disqualify the competitor and change the order. For more information on the drugs and substances on the WADA Prohibited List, click HERE.

17.) In the event of a fault in the timing system
In the event of a timing system failure, the times of the runners placed 1-3 in the race will be recorded at the finish line and the results will be announced in the order of finish. In this case, the net timing rules will not apply, only the order of finish will decide.

18.) Wearing the squad number
During the race, the number plate shall be worn in front of the Participant. A time penalty may be given to anyone who folds, covers or wears his/her number during the race in an invisible manner. The chip on the back of the number is a prerequisite for timekeeping, so competitors who do not wear the number in the correct manner and do not have a measured result will be disqualified from the race. A competitor who, despite a warning, continues to break the rules on wearing the number will be disqualified. Wearing the number is important because it enables the Organisers to distinguish those who start the race without an entry from those who do not – they will be removed from the race area.

19.) Any person may also be disqualified who
a.) fails to complete the entire distance set by the Organisers,
b.) fills in the entry form and the Declaration of Liability inaccurately, incorrectly or incompletely,
c.) uses
the timing chip improperly,
d.) does not use his/her own entry or a number taken from another person,
e.) in the case of participation in a relay race, does not change in the designated relay zone,
f.) does not dispose of rubbish at the refreshment points in the designated zones

20.) About the update
The Participant acknowledges that the Organiser may provide different amounts of refreshments for different categories of competitors. The Participant may only dispose of rubbish generated during the race at the refreshment and changeover points, from where the Organiser will remove it. From 2021 onwards, competitors acknowledge that the organiser will not provide plastic or disposable paper cups at the refreshment points. Competitors may only buy water or isotonic drinks in a cup or canteen brought by themselves at the gallon refreshment point.

21.) Tilos
Rollerblading (wearing kangoo shoes and other sports equipment), running with a dog or other animal, and running without a number! The Participant acknowledges that he/she may be immediately disqualified in case of violation of these rules. Dogs must be muzzled when entering the race centre.

22) Marketing and advertising activities
Any advertising and marketing activities at the entire competition venue, points and route may only be carried out with the prior written permission of Balatonman Triathlon Ltd.; request for permission by email to

23.) About other sponsors
Competitors called to the podium at the announcement of the results may carry a national flag, but no other signs or inscriptions representing a sponsor or supporter.

24.) Rules on the age of Participants

  • Marathon individual age limit: 16 years and written parental consent
  • Half marathon individual age limit: 13 years or older and written parental consent
  • 6-14 km individual distance age limit: 10 years or older and written parental consent
  • Children under 10 years of age may only run with parental supervision or in the presence of an adult chaperone

25) About the medical intervention
The Participant agrees that if the medical staff deems his/her condition during the competition, he/she may not continue the competition. For individual starters, at the relay points, competitors who exceed the individual level time will have their race number and timing chip removed for safety reasons and will not be allowed to continue the race. In the case of relay teams, the team may continue the race without the team-mate of the competitor who has been declared unfit.
Children’s health
Parents of minors competing in children’s races accept that their child may only take to the start line if their health and mental condition allows. The Organiser shall not be held responsible in this respect.

26) Number of entries and closing of entries
The Organiser reserves the right to limit the number of Participants. The entry may be closed at any time, cancelled in the event of a technical error and reopened. In the case of a full house, the Organiser may bring forward the payment deadline, which will be notified to the entrant by e-mail (please also check your SPAM and PROMOTION folders).

27.) About bathing
In the case of the Balaton races, swimming in Lake Balaton during the race is only allowed in the officially designated bathing areas and at your own risk, while swimming in the Danube is FORBIDDEN in the case of the Budapest events. The Organiser shall not be liable for any accidents or other consequences resulting from this.

28.) About values
The Organiser cannot be held responsible for valuables left in the accompanying cars or in the accommodation.

29.) About level times
The level times are set on a course-specific basis, taking into account the differences in level and the time limits set by the authorising authority.

  • 5,25 km distance level time 50 minutes
  • 6- 6,5 km distance level time 55 minutes
  • Level time for the 7 km distance 65 minutes
  • Level time for the 9 km distance 1 hour 10 minutes
  • 10,5 km level time 1 hour 20 minutes
  • 11 km level time 1 hour 25 minutes
  • 14 km level time 1 hour 45 minutes
  • Half marathon level time 2 hours 45 minutes
  • Marathon level time 5 hours 30 minutes
  • Closing time for half marathons is 3 hours after the start, for marathons 5 hours 30 minutes.
  •  Outside the official level time, the organiser will award a RESPECT medal to individual competitors who arrive at the finish area, but only on site and during the opening hours of the finish area.
    The finish area will close after the level time for the different distances as follows and the Respect medal
    will be awarded to those who finish outside the level time: –
    42,2 km 5 hours 30 minutes + 1 hour (the respect medal is awarded only 1 hour after the level time)
    – 21,1 km 2 hours 45 minutes + 30 minutes (the respect medal is awarded only 30 minutes after the level time)
    – 10-14 km level time + 20 minutes (the respect medal is awarded only 20 minutes after the level time)
    – 5-6,5 km level time + 15 minutes (the respect medal is awarded only 15 minutes after the level time).  To receive the medal, the competitor must complete the distance under his/her own power, without the assistance of a transport vehicle (car, motorbike, bicycle, skate…. etc.).

30.) Final bus
After the last start, a final bus may run at the end of the peloton to pick up riders who have slipped out of the time limit for safety reasons. The Entrant acknowledges that in the event of slipping out of level time, the bus crew will be required to hand in the number of the start, which will be returned to them at the finish area at the end of the race. In the event of a slip, the race cannot be continued even at the rider’s own risk, the course must be abandoned for safety reasons and the race ends at this point for these riders.

31) Award of the medals
Finishing medals will be awarded only to competitors who finish within the time limit. Competitors who finish outside the time limit will not be included in the results list and will not be awarded a medal.

32.) The ethics of the competition
The Participant acknowledges that mutual respect and acceptance of each other is an integral part of the ethos of the Marathonman. Traffic controllers, parking staff and STAFF will work in this spirit. In case of assault, spitting and obscene language, messages, letters or offensive comments on social media platforms, the Participant will be immediately disqualified from the race by the Organiser, who will take official action if necessary. The Organiser will not accept any entries from him/her for any future event organised by the Organiser. We are runners. We do not discriminate by colour, religion, gender or age. It is not important where we come from, nor how fast we run. We are bound together by our love of sport, our mutual respect for each other and the distance.

33) Security service The organizing security guards will be employed in
the area of the competition centre throughout the event, who, in accordance with Act CXXXlll of 2005, may ask for identification of any person who obstructs or disturbs the event, endangers its security or is unlawfully present, may prohibit the person from attending the event, may ask him/her to leave, and may, if the person concerned does not comply with this and if necessary for the safety of life and property, escort him/her out of the event. Any person who disrupts the event or endangers its safety may be removed from the event!

34.) On the use of drones
Drones may be operated during the event only with the written permission of Balatonman Triathlon Ltd.

35.) Insurance
The Participant acknowledges that the entry fee does not include insurance.

36.) Complaints
Any complaints regarding the Event may be made in writing to the Organiser within 3 hours of the close of the Event. The Organiser is not obliged to consider any complaint submitted after this time.

37.) Remuneration
At all Marathonman Race Series events, first, second and third place winners in each race category will receive a trophy.

38) The Privacy Policy is available HERE.


The organiser reserves the right to change the programme and the call for entries.